About Us
Conner Logistics (CLI) has a proven record of excellence, efficiency, and reliability. With over 15 years of operations in the logistics industry, and over 50 years of combined management experience, CLI has an established reputation as THE company that cares about its customers, employees, and community. Our commitment to strong work ethic and prompt action to customer needs is always the highest priority. We also firmly believe that behind each customer, no matter how large or small, are individuals and families. We care deeply about those working around us trying to carve out a living for themselves and their families in the logistics industry. At the end of the day, it is all about people, it’s about family.
Building on this relational approach to business, Conner Logistics has established strong partnerships with its customers and employees. It is our hope that through excellence in service, our committed focus on our customers and employees, and our operational values that we will change the culture of the logistics industry in the areas we do business.
The Conner Commitment – C3

The C3 Commitment stems from a management philosophy implemented by the Conner Team, Leadership Through Service. Our goal is to effectively serve three focus groups, our company, our customers, and our communities, in a way that highlights their needs as our utmost priority. It is our hope that by committing to serve each one of these groups, we will see a positive influence on the culture of those around us. Essentially, we are more than a business moving packages from one location to another – we are helping people connected to the transportation industry thrive and find satisfaction in the work we all do together.

The goal of the Leadership Through Service philosophy is clearly outlined in the title itself. Rather than leadership that looks to govern from above or to control those around us, it looks at each individual person and asks: “How can I serve this person?” “How can I help them thrive in this industry?” “How can I identify their unique talents and abilities, and then put them to good use rather than demanding they continue to work in an area they are destined to struggle?”
Additionally, this leadership perspective spans beyond just the management of internal company members, but also includes our customers and our community. When we shift the focus off the “job” and onto “the people who do the job” all the sudden individual value emerges at the forefront. We don’t just see a company that is our customer, we see the individual members of that company; all people spending their careers in the logistics industry, trying their best to support their families and loved ones.
Taking that idea even further, when we look at customers and our company employees it’s easy to bridge them to the greater community. Each one of those individuals are part of communities where we live and work. If we want to serve these individual people, then we must invest in the communities where they reside. This service may come through in-kind donations, like transporting water during droughts or fires, or pitching in to help with a development project specifically connected to an employee or customer, or through our Warehouse Hiring Program in Fresno, CA which gives people who previously struggled with addiction a second chance at health, employment, restoration, and success for the future.
It is our hope that by committing to serve each one of these groups, we will see a positive influence on the culture of our company, customers, and to the community around us. Essentially, we are more than a business moving packages from one location to another – we are helping people connected to the transportation industry thrive and find satisfaction in the work we all do together.